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#hearWHO 聴検スマホアプリ本日解禁!!

本日付けで WHOのスマホ聴検アプリがリリースされました。


”Dear All


As the World Hearing Day approaches, we are pleased to announce the following:

  1. The hearWHO app is now available for free download on Apple store and Google playstore. The app offers an easy to use tool to check hearing, based on the validated digits-in-noise technology. We invite everyone to download, use, popularize and share the app in order to: i) encourage people to check their hearing, as a first step to seeking hearing care; and ii) raise awareness regarding hearing loss. Kindly use #hearWHO #worldhearingday #hearingcare on social media.

  2. World Hearing Day materials are available online in all UN languages. Please use and share as appropriate.

  3. Join the Wiki4WorldHearing Day2019 campaign to create and translate hearing related content on Wikipedia, as a means to raising awareness on hearing loss and hearing care.

  4. Please share the report of your event after the day along with photographs. Guidance on reporting format and photographs is provided in the WHD toolkit. The reporting format is also attached here for easy access.

Wish everyone a successful and exciting World Hearing Day 2019.

Best wishes and regards


Prevention of Deafness and Hearing Loss

World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland”

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